
voluntary public acquisition offer of Arrow HoldCo GmbH to the Shareholders of Vectron Systems AG

You have accessed the website, which Youco F24-H158 Vorrats-GmbH (in future: Arrow HoldCo GmbH) (the "Bidder") has designated for the publication of documents and information in connection with its public tender offer (the "Offer") to acquire all shares in Vectron Systems AG ("Vectron", and the "Vectron Shares")

In order to access the documents and information on the Offer, visitors of this website are requested to confirm at the bottom of this page to have taken notice of the following legal information.

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On the following website, you will find the offer document (the "Offer Document") as well as press releases and further information relating to the Offer. All information contained and documents made available on this website are for information purposes only.

The Offer relates to shares of a German stock corporation (Aktiengesellschaft), and is subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. The Offer is not an offer within the meaning of section 2 para. 1 of the German Securities Acquisition and Takeover Act (Wertpapiererwerbs- und Übernahmegesetz, "WpÜG") and therefore not subject to the provisions of the WpÜG. The Offer and the Offer Document are not and will not be the subject to review, registration or approval procedures by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht, BaFin) or subject to review, registration or approval procedures by any other regulatory authority and has not been approved or recommended by any regulatory authority. The Offer is being made exclusively in the Federal Republic of Germany, and the contracts resulting from its acceptance will be executed in the Federal Republic of Germany via the systems of Clearstream Banking AG. Vectron Shareholders whose place of residence, incorporation or habitual abode is outside the Federal Republic of Germany may not be able to tender their Vectron Shares or enforce rights and claims under the laws of a jurisdiction other than the Federal Republic of Germany. Such Vectron Shareholders may not be able to bring an action before a court of their place of residence, incorporation or habitual abode. The acceptance of this Offer outside the Federal Republic of Germany may be subject to legal restrictions, and any such acceptance will only result in settlement in the Federal Republic of Germany in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Offer Document, including the offer conditions set out in the Offer Document. Vectron Shareholders whose place of residence, incorporation or habitual abode is outside the Federal Republic of Germany are advised to inform themselves about the applicable legal provisions, to comply with them and, if necessary, to seek advice in this regard. The Bidder and its affiliated parties assume no responsibility for whether the acceptance of the Offer from outside the jurisdiction of the Federal Republic of Germany is permissible under applicable law.

The Offer does not constitute a statement pursuant to Section 14(d)(1) or 13(e)(1) of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, in conjunction with the General Rules and Regulations applicable thereunder. Vectron Shareholders, whose place of residence, incorporation or habitual abode is in the United States should note that the Offer Document has been prepared, and the Offer is implemented, in a format and structure customary in the Federal Republic of Germany, which differ from the structure and format customary for a tender offer in the United States. In addition, the content of the Offer Document differs from the mandatory information to be provided in a tender offer document under U.S. law. Furthermore, neither the United States Securities and Exchange Commission nor any securities supervisory authority in the United States has approved or disapproved the Offer or reviewed it for its fairness or its benefits, nor have the contents of the Offer Document or any other documentation relating to this Offer been reviewed for accuracy or fairness. Vectron Shareholders whose place of residence, incorporation or habitual abode is in the United States are encouraged to consult with their own advisors regarding the Offer.

The publication, dispatch, distribution or dissemination of the Offer Document or other documents related to the Offer to third parties outside the Federal Republic of Germany may be subject to legal restrictions. The purpose of the publication of this Offer Document and other documents related to the Offer is neither the submission of the Offer Document nor a publication of this Offer in accordance with foreign law nor a public advertisement. The Bidder has not authorized the publication, dispatch, distribution or dissemination of this Offer Document or any other documents in connection with this Offer by third parties outside the Federal Republic of Germany. The Offer Document and any other documents in connection with the Offer may not be published, dispatched, distributed or otherwise disseminated or passed on by third parties in or into counties abroad, either directly or indirectly, to the extent that this is prohibited by the applicable foreign statutory provisions or is subject to compliance with official procedures or the granting of an authorization or other requirements. The Offer may only be deemed accepted in the Federal Republic of Germany and is subject to the provisions of the Offer Document, including the Offer Conditions. The Bidder and its affiliated parties are under no obligation to ensure and make no representation that the publication, dispatch, distribution or dissemination of this Offer Document and other documents related to the Offer complies with the requirements of any jurisdiction other than the Federal Republic of Germany.

The information and documents made available on this website do not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of invitation to make an offer to purchase securities.

The final terms of the Offer may differ from the basic information described on this website. Vectron Shareholders are strongly advised to read the Offer Document and all other documents in connection with the Offer as they contain important information. The Bidder and its affiliated parties assume no obligation to update the information and documents provided, unless required by law. The Bidder reserves the right to amend the provisions of the Offer to the extent permitted by law.

Access to this website outside the Federal Republic of Germany may be subject to legal restrictions. Vectron Shareholders outside the Federal Republic of Germany are advised to inform themselves about the applicable statutory provisions and to comply with them. The Bidder and its affiliated parties assume no responsibility for whether access to this website outside the legal system of the Federal Republic of Germany is permissible under the applicable law.

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